Online Marketing Agency
SEO content specialist

Manuela Dordea

Manuela Dordea
Manuela is part of Gamit’s team of SEO content experts. She is dedicated to creating innovative and attractive texts for websites and marketing campaigns.
Content Marketing Research
Website Content Analyst

Her attention to detail, consideration for clients’ suggestions and wishes, as well as her ability to elaborate a topic from different perspectives are the strengths of Manuela’s writing techniques, and what makes her an asset to our company. In between writing projects, she enjoys reading and cooking, but no matter how busy her schedule is, she always finds time for her guilty pleasure, Grey’s Anatomy.

Manuela earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Marketing, and although she continued her studies and eventually graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Administration, she started working as a writer, and for the last 9 years, she is a professional marketing specialist. She has the experience and ability to write unique texts on a wide range of topics, without guidelines or following a pre-existing structure.