Online Marketing Agency
SEO content specialist

Tiberiu Sarla

Tiberiu Sarla
Tiberiu is one of the content specialists working at Gamit. Designing original and innovative content marketing comes easy with his writing experience and skills.
Content Marketing Research
Website Content Analyst

Tiberiu had graduated from University of Economy Sciences in 2007 but he had always been passionate about writing. He had decided to follow his passion and for the last 12 years, he had created attractive content for different businesses and purposes. Working for Gamit had challenged his skills, enhancing his experience and portfolio, and opened opportunities to tackle all sorts of subjects.

He works closely with the content manager to outline the content strategy for each campaign, understanding the expectations of clients and setting a relevant structure and theme for the content. Even a passionate writer must have some free time, so with every chance, he gets, Tiberiu enjoys outdoor activities and board games. He also dedicates time to his family, being completely in love with his wife and daughter.